
Friday, July 22, 2011

True Blood Season 1 Episode 5

In the previous episode: Sookie distance themselves from Bon Temps leaving Eric and Bill to try to charm them in human society. Sam bonds with other shifters, while Hoyt and Jessica argue about dinner. Lafayette urged by Jesus to join a coven. Terry tries to eliminate the negative emotions about the crime Arlene to come.

True Blood episode 5 at the Descendants of the Glorious Dead meeting Bill is invited to talk about his life as a Confederate Soldier. Bill then has a question and answer session when one member of the DGD shows Bill a tintype of the Compton family. Sam, Sookie, Tara and Jason are also present at the Descendants of the Glorious Dead meeting. Jason notices Tara while he is high on vampire blood.

Lafayette gives more V to Jason. Tara is furious of him and yells at him for this.Jason asks Lafayette to stop dealing with V anymore or else Tara will be damaged but Lafayette tells him that her enduring love for Jason will help her get over it.At Merlotte’s Sam listens Sookie telling Arlene that she won’t longer be going out with Bill. He sees this as an oppurtunity and asks Sookie for a date.Andy questions Sookie about Jason and Tara on which she replies that nothing is going on between them and also hears what Andy says in his mind. Bill gives a speech as promised to Sookie’s grandmom at monthly meeting of Decendents of Glorious dead.He tell people that vampires can coexist in churches and in front of cross. Someone in audience ask Bill if he knew his great grandfather to which Bill replied that both fought together. Someone from audience shows him an incription which Bill recognize as his parent’s and replied why he can’t get back to them. Sookie is moved by Bill.Sam and Sookie go out for a date but the date doen’t go as planned by Sam.Andy and sheriff Bud visits Bill at his house and asks for any information about the two ladies that died. He answers that he knew Dawn but doesn’t know Maudette. When Sookie reaces home she finds her grandmother lying on floor covered in blood.